

Boda boda


Boda boda Tracking

Our motorbike tracking offers a cost-effective solution for dependable motorbike tracking, whether it's for a commercial use or your individual use.

With Unitrack tracking, you can instantly view the location of your motorbike whenever you need to. Additionally, different alerts can be set up to keep you informed about any issues with your bike. These alerts include a un-authorised entry and exits that the system notifies you if your motorbike leaves a designated area, a movement alarm to detect potential theft attempts.

Our motorbike tracking also enables real-time tracing of your entire fleet of motor bikes, giving you a comprehensive dashboard view of all the “boda bodas”. This feature also allows easy assignment of orders to those boda bodas, with the closest to a specific location like a customer’s location.

Enhanced Capabilities

  • Real time tracking of location and route playback
  • Access through the cloud (Through browser and Mobile App)
  • Monitor mileage and trips done
  • Driver identification, control of asset usage and the ability to remotely shut down
  • Alerts for unauthorized entry and exit 
  • Maintenance and service tracking and notifications

We’re Most Trusted Tracking Company.

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